@skingapore If you saw the labels before, now you know why ! Infants are less than 1 year of age. Case from PMC 3028016. While it is rare, it is completely avoidable if you heed pre-exisiting recommendations. #skingapore #gpsamuel #drsam #doctorsoftiktok #drsamuel #singaporedoctor #tiktokdoctor #drsamuelgp #LearnOnTikTok #tiktoksg #publichealth #infants #baby #newfearunlocked🔓 #newfearunlocked #honey #botox #clostridiumbotulinum #clostridium #Botulinum Toxins #botulinumtoxin #infantilebotulism #poorfeeding #marypoppins #spoonfulofsugar #honeycomb What should I not feed a baby ? Not feed this to an infant ? Is honey safe for infants ? Can i give honey to babies ? SUMMARY : NO HONEY TO CHILDREN BELOW AGE OF 1. #honeyishrunkthekids #paediatrics #medicalstories #familymedicine ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound